Urgent Call for Help: Devastating Rain by Tropical Storm Raphael Hits Southern Haiti
CMSH/ Christian Mission South Haiti.INC
760 Washington Avenue. Alton, IL 62002.
Pastor, Johnston phone 618 789 4962.
fccalton@att.net Alix Lusma,
in Haiti Phone 509 44060584. Email: cmshmission@yahoo.com
Dear Christian Mission South Haiti Supporters,
I write to you tonight with an urgent and heavy heart from the southern region of Haiti, where Tropical Storm Raphael has unleashed its devastating impact. Since Sunday evening, the rain has been relentless. Hour by hour, we have watched the storm escalate, with rain and flooding intensifying by the minute. As I write this, the downpour continues unabated, casting a shadow over our community and leaving many in fear of what lies ahead. The situation is dire, and our people are suffering in ways difficult to fully describe.
For days now, homes across our region have been overtaken by floodwaters. Families, once secure in modest but beloved homes, are finding themselves surrounded by water with no clear way to safety. Streets have become rivers, homes have become islands, and with each passing hour, the threat to life and property grows. Countless families are now cut off, isolated from help, while their basic resources are diminishing rapidly.
