Christian Mission South Haiti / Bergeaud Church of Christ
760 Washington Avenue
Alton, IL 62002
Phone #: 407-884-4835. 407-961-0597. 407-864-7157
September 27, 2021
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Greetings brothers and sisters in the grace of the Lord, as many of you are aware, speaking about south Haiti is a direct reference to the Church of Christ. In south Haiti. We have been in service for more than 30 years, we are currently present in 10 different areas, with more than ten churches of Christ, an orphanage, and a school. You can truly understand the earthquake's impact on our infrastructures, we have lost three dear members of our churches, many buildings and churches were destroyed as well. Many of our church members were seriously wounded, and some have lost a limb and are currently handicapped.
We have lost our guest house which housed our missionaries in the past. The guest house was able to host a medical clinic and serve the sick, but our materials were destroyed under the rubble, the guest house was able to host a radio station, however, the radio equipment was destroyed. The basement of the guest house host several machines to provide clean water to the community, however, the earthquake destroyed it as well. The basement was able to store goods for the churches and the school, such as equipment, food, and school supplies.

This picture is after the earthquake, it was a guest house that was built to receive our visitors, it was also a hospital to treat our brothers and sisters. It also had a radio station to broadcast the gospel in the area, in the basement, we had a small water purification machine for industry. However, everything was destroyed by the earthquake.

The picture above was how the Guest House looked before the earthquake. If you look closely, you can see the radio tower on top, the guest house was a two story building. We need to rebuild it and continue with our service to the community. We understand such a large building will take time and that is why we need to begin now.
The Churches of Christ in South Haiti is currently feeding the people after the earthquake, feeding the hungry, and healing the wounded and the sick with medicine. We cook a lot of food and bring the meals to a group of families in open fields, they cannot stay inside due to damaged houses, and we bring the food to them, however, we are lack
In resources to continue in our effort, we have some repairs to do on our churches.
If you are interested in donating physical donations to support brothers and sisters You can do so at our address: 631 Sun Bluff Lane, Apopka, Florida 32712. You can donate items such as canned foods, bag of rice, bag of beans, cooking oil, clothes, and medical equipment. We will need money to cover the cost of shipping to Haiti. All monetary donations can be mailed to the address above.
We would like to thank those who will support us through this difficult period of the earthquake, and invite others to do so. Sending monetary donations is better, we will be able to buy items that we need to help those in need. Our desire for the Churches of Christ in south Haiti is to help where the needs are, providing meals and education to children.
preaching the word of God, and this is why we need to rebuild our radio station, we need to buy another transmitter, mixer and microphone, and computers, we lost 50 computers in our guest house. We need to buy an inverter, marine batteries, solar panels as the first set is no longer work. You can sponsor a child through our school or orphanage program. You can decide which child or orphan you desire to support.
Contact person: Bro. McFarland, Minister at 10th Street Church of Christ, their main address: 157 West 10th Street Apopka, Florida 32703 Phone #: 407-461-9752. Bro. Jean Alix Lusma, Minister in Bergeaud church of Christ in south Haiti. Phone #: 509 44 06 05 84. Email: