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Months after the earthquake, a lot of work needs to be done

Alender Lusma

On August 14 2021, Haiti experienced another tragedy, the southern region was devastated by a powerful earthquake, and many people have lost their loved ones, houses and some have lost their a limb due to injuries. 3 months later, the people of Les Cayes, Haiti are still suffering, the promised help coming from overseas did little to no help. NGO's did not meet the level of need of the people, the few houses that some NGO's build are not able to withstand the rain and hurricanes winds for families to live in, as a result, the majority are still sleeping under tents, families are unable to feed their children, they are unable to send their children back to school, the food distributions were not enough and many families are still waiting for NGO's to continue in assisting with food distributions. as shown in the pictures, we held several drives, we distribute clothes, food and medicine, and we believe a lot more can be done. Christian Mission South Haiti have lost its Guest house, and inside of the Guest house was a medical clinic, to which all equipment were destroyed. We had a small water pouch company that used to provide jobs in the basement, all of these equipment were destroyed as well. We need your help to help sustain those who are suffering, you can contribute to the link below through Amazon Smile, your daily purchase on Amazon will make a significant contribution to our cause. Your monetary contribution will allow us to continue our food drives, to help parents with tuition costs and repairing our churches for services. All monetary donations can be to:

P.O Box 2914

Apopka, Florida 32704

Distribution of medicine to local population

A house built by one NGO after the earthquake

Distribution of clothes to local population



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