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February Newsletter

Alender Lusma

Christian Mission South Haiti. 760 Washington Avenue Alton, IL 62002.

February 11, 2022


Greeting to all our website friends, and welcome to you who are new, we are Christian Mission South Haiti. We are a Non-Profit Organization, we are standing to help the poor all over the world. We help women, orphans, churches and local organizations for they can help themselves, we also help them in times of disasters, this can give you a way to choose which categories you want your support to go. Remember, your donations are tax deductible, when you write your check to Christian Mission South Haiti.

Now, we are focused in South Haiti, mainly in the city of Les Cayes area. After they have been devastated by the earthquake last August 14, 2021, most families are still living under tents made with clothes, not all of them have a bluetop. This is our focus to help those families to have a place to stay because of tent made with clothes cannot protect them from the rain and the sun.

Families living under tents made with clothes

Donate today to help those families, send your monetary donations to the address above. This situation is also makes it difficult for the orphans, our orphanage building is cracked by the earthquake, our water reservoir we had at the orphanage was destroyed by the earthquake. These families also need food, they need help with healthcare, we want to provide that if you can help us. we have a clinic, and we can go and do mobile clinic for these families, we need to buy medicine to do so.

If you can help us with some donations, we can do that, we have nurses who can go and provide first aid, you can start by sending $25 monthly, if you can give more that is better, the same way for the food, you can send $25 monthly and we will distribute food to these families. If you can send clothes and other hygienic supplies that will help us a lot.

The situation in Haiti is desperate for many, with armed individuals kidnapping people, everything are expensive such as food, and poor people are dying because they do not have the means to provide to their families. Help someone to eat with $25 a month, that will be a blessing for you and for these families.

A woman can receive a donation to go buy some stuffs, and resell them. They can start if they have $200 in their hands, help a woman today.

Concrete water reservoir destroyed by the earthquake

Friends you can understand now, we have no place to save the water for the children, if you can help, send a donation to rebuild a reservoir plus to repair the house where the orphanage is. keep supporting monthly, for we can run the orphanage program to feed, to educate and to provide a good healthcare, a monthly donation of $30 will allow us to keep our Orphanage running. That doesn't mean we need to be rich, but it is a sacrifice to help others, send your donation to the address listed above and describe what your donation is for. You will receive a thank you letter, to let you know it has been received in our office.

News on our Churches

locality churches, they were also victims of the earthquake, some of their church buildings were destroyed, some are severely damaged. The members of these churches are also victims, they lost their belongings, their houses. For all of these reasons, Christianity in South Haiti is in trouble, they need all kind of help, because there are no industries for people to work, no agriculture, they depend on others to survive all of the time. So, if you are one of the believers of Jesus Christ, think about your brothers and sisters in South Haiti.

Make a donation today to your brothers and sisters, and say why your donation is for. Use the address above.

Repairs being made to the walls at Bergeaud Church of Christ. 10 additional churches needs repairs or to be rebuild

The back of a sister's house severely damaged by the earthquake on August 14, 2021



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