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Christian Mission South Haiti April 2024 Newsletter Update

Alender Lusma

Updated: Nov 27, 2024

CMSH/ Christian Mission South Haiti.INC

         760 Washington Avenue. Alton, IL 62002.

Pastor, Johnston phone 618 789 4962.    Alix Lusma,

Dear Beloved Families, Believers, and friends of Christian Mission South Haiti!

Greetings to you and your families. Here are some updates on our work in South of Haiti, ministering to churches, schools, through radio, and door-to-door visits. We feel blessed to serve in the name of Jesus Christ, despite the challenges we face. Those of you who have been supporting our ministry understand the difficulties Haiti has been enduring for some time. Haiti seems to lack support from national militaries, but Christians and churches remain steadfast in their commitment.

Your support has enabled us to assist schools, orphans, the sick, and the hungry, among others. While we wish to do more and faster, we've learned to wait for God's timing to meet people's needs. Last year, during our Annual Assembly, we sent four pastors to different places, but they lack transportation. Motorcycles for daily travel to new areas cost $1500 each. Additionally, our churches lack benches, which were destroyed by the earthquake three years ago. Rebuilding them would greatly aid our meetings.

We also have members living together without marriage certificates, which they must obtain from the government, along with other essentials. Assistance in this area would be appreciated. Food and medicine remain critical for the impoverished. We have 11 families, preachers, their wives, and children relying on our support. Please pray for them and show them love in any way you can.

You can reach us at the address provided above.

Please pray for Haiti, especially amidst the war in the capital, Port-au-Prince, where police clash with gangs, and businesses suffer vandalism. Flights out of Haiti remain unavailable, though many wish to return to the USA. Our prayers are with all who have supported us and those considering doing so. Jesus Christ came to give us life abundantly (John 10:10), and we stand united in Him.

We continue to witness the aftermath of the 2021 earthquake, with many buildings still in ruins and no assistance forthcoming for repairs. My guest house and the orphanage building in Savanette remain down, along with the water tank. People are fleeing Port-au-Prince, with national roads blocked across the country, exacerbating the gas and food price crisis. Homelessness is rampant, but Christians persevere in prayer for change.

May love be with you all!

Pastor Jim Johnston, President,


Jean Alix Lusma, Field Director,


Alex Lusma, Executive Secretary,


Nevin Curtis, Board Member,



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